Relocation process steps

Recruiting top developers in today's globalized tech landscape often requires navigating complex relocation processes A smooth and efficient

Recruiting top developers in today's globalized tech landscape often requires navigating complex relocation processes. A smooth and efficient relocation experience is critical to attracting and retaining exceptional professionals. DastN transcends the limitations of standard candidate sourcing by offering a comprehensive relocation support system.

This system utilizes our extensive network throughout the Middle East, encompassing five established back offices and a network of valued partners. We take pride in providing on-the-ground assistance throughout the relocation journey, ensuring a smooth transition for both the employee and the company.

This guide shows the critical steps in successful employee relocation and explores the company's role in facilitating this process.

relocation process steps

Employee Relocation Process Steps

DastN goes beyond simply identifying professionals. We understand the complexities of relocating employees and offer comprehensive support. The following steps outline how we assist relocating developers at each stage, ensuring a stress-free transition into their new position and company.

1. Targeted Developer Search: Our recruitment specialists tap into the rich professional pool within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. By understanding your specific project requirements and identifying developers with the necessary skill sets and experience, we ensure a strong fit between candidate and opportunity.

2. In-Depth Candidate Evaluation: We conduct a thorough evaluation of shortlisted candidates, including technical assessments, portfolio reviews, and in-depth interviews. This allows us to assess technical competence, cultural compatibility, and soft skills, which are crucial for successful team integration.

3. Employment Guidance & Onboarding: Navigating the intricacies of relocating for a new job can be overwhelming. DastN provides comprehensive employment guidance, including visa requirements, work permit applications, and other legal considerations. Additionally, we offer support with onboarding processes, ensuring a smooth and seamless transition into your company's work environment.

4. Interview Support: We facilitate effective communication to ensure a positive interview experience for both parties. This includes providing interview tips and mock interviews for candidates and encouraging transparent communication with the hiring team.

5. University Verification (KMK-Anabin Databases): Many countries require recognition of academic qualifications before work permits are issued. DastN utilizes its expertise to streamline this process by verifying educational backgrounds using KMK-Anabin databases recognized by German authorities for evaluating foreign educational qualifications.

6. Expert Visa Issuance Assistance: Securing a work visa is often complex and time-consuming. DastN offers expert guidance and assistance with visa applications, ensuring all necessary documentation is collected and submitted accurately.

7. Comprehensive Settlement Support: Relocating to a new country involves more than just securing a job. DastN provides comprehensive settlement support, including opening bank accounts, finding suitable housing, and navigating local transportation systems. This minimizes stress and allows your new hires to focus on their role and integrate comfortably into their new environment.

8. Pre-Approval Facilitation from the Federal Employment Agency: In some instances, obtaining pre-approval from the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) in Germany can expedite the visa application process. DastN can assist with the necessary documentation and communication with the agency to obtain this pre-approval, which can significantly reduce processing times.


9. Guaranteed Replacement (if Developer Leaves Before 6 Months): DastN understands the challenges associated with professional acquisition. We offer a guarantee of replacement in the unlikely event that the developer leaves your company within the first six months of employment. This provides peace of mind and minimizes disruption to your project timeline.

Company Relocation Process Steps

relocation process steps

A successful relocation hinges on clear communication and collaboration between the recruiting company, the relocation services provider, and the relocating employee. While DastN brings a wealth of expertise, your company's active participation ensures a smooth and efficient process.

Here's what your company can do to optimize the relocation experience:

1. Provide a Detailed Job Description: A comprehensive job description outlining the skills and experience required for the position is the foundation for a successful search. This empowers DastN to target the right professional pool in the MENA region and identify candidates who are a strong fit for your needs.

2. Share Your Relocation Policy (if applicable):

Does your company offer financial assistance with relocation costs? Do you have any specific procedures or preferences regarding the relocation process? Sharing your relocation policy, if it exists, allows DastN to tailor their services and provide the most relevant support to the relocating employee.

3. Communicate Desired Timelines: Knowing your desired timeline for filling the position helps DastN prioritize the candidate search and relocation process. Open communication ensures that both parties work towards a shared goal and the new hire can be brought on board efficiently.

4. Provide Candidate Information and Interview Feedback:

DastN will utilize its expertise to source and pre-screen a pool of qualified developers from the MENA region. You'll receive detailed information on each candidate, including their resumes and contact details. Based on these profiles, you can select the candidates you'd like to interview further. While DastN is happy to provide additional interview support upon request, you'll have the autonomy to conduct the interviews and choose the candidate who best aligns with your team's needs. DastN can then step back to facilitate communication and coordinate logistics.

6. Designate Points of Contact: Streamline communication by providing DastN with designated points of contact within your company for various aspects of the relocation process. This could include an HR representative for general questions, an immigration specialist for work permit assistance, or a specific point person within the new hire's team.


Understanding and following the critical steps in employee and company relocation can create a smooth and efficient journey. This allows your company to attract and retain professionals from a global professional pool while ensuring a positive and productive experience for your new hire. Partnering with a reputable relocation services provider, such as DastN, is critical to achieving this success. Our vast experience, established network, and commitment to excellence ensure a seamless transition for candidates and companies, paving the way for a successful and rewarding collaboration.





What is the relocation process?

The process of relocating one or more employees from one location to another is collectively referred to as employee relocation. This can take place across the same city, to another city, or even to another nation. Relocations of employees may also be forced or voluntary.

How long does the relocation process take?

The distance of the move, the particulars of the relocation package, the employee's family situation, and any immigration formalities are some of the variables that affect how long the employee relocation process takes. The entire process may take several weeks to several months to finish.

How much money is needed to relocate?

Generally speaking, you should have emergency savings equal to at least three months' worth of living expenses set aside in case something unforeseen occurs while you are moving. For instance, you'll need to have roughly $4,000 saved up before moving out if you want to rent an apartment for $1,200 a month.


Relocation process steps
Learn N' Digital 15 juillet 2024
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