Innovate in 2024: 8 Web App Development Ideas

Do you think you are a good developer with the ability to develop a very useful and well-structured web app?

But, your main problem is the idea! Every time you think about a new idea for your potential web app, you get discouraged when you Google it and find several apps with the same idea.

If that's you, or you want to refresh your brain with some new web app ideas, then this article is for you. Stay with us!

How to find web app ideas ?

A MacBook with lines of code on its screen on a busy desk

The right idea isn't necessarily a completely new idea. If your app solves a problem for the user, then you've done your work right. No matter how creative your idea is, that factor will mostly be ignored if it doesn't.

That's why you should focus on solving a problem for the user. And that problem could be solved before, it's okay!

As an example, if you make a translating app and add a new feature that can get some attention, you might end up with a successful new translation app.

Now, let's get some ideas you can use to get some inspiration.

8 Web App Development Ideas in 2024

An Ecommerce Store Web App

A person is making an online purchase using a laptop.

As we all know, especially after COVID-19, e-commerce has grown all over the world, and many people who never bought online before were forced to do so during the pandemic. So, if we take all these things into consideration, we will find that any business should consider having an e-commerce store web app to make their products available to a much wider audience.

 Make sure to focus on a very micro-niche in your app, like clothing. This way, you can target a very specific group of customers and make the competition a lot easier, because you absolutely don't want to create a general e-commerce web app and compete with giants like Amazon or eBay, right?

Web application for learning languages

woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime

Anyone can consider learning a new language at any point in their life, whether it's as a pastime or to gain a new ability that will help them in their career.

You get the idea now: you can start developing a new app for this use. And that app doesn't necessarily need to teach many languages; you can learn one specific language that you are a native speaker of.

Dating web app

A woman is texting on a red and silver phone.

People were and will always desire a partner for their life. So, dating apps will always have a big new audience from the new teenagers.

Teenagers who recently entered the world of dating may love to try a new app, and your app can be it.

You should look for existing dating apps and understand their downsides and what people want the new dating app to have as a feature before starting the development process.

Food delivery web app

man in black jacket riding motorcycle on road during daytime

The food delivery market is one of the markets that we can say is still growing, even if there are already some delivery food apps in the market, not all of them are efficient.

There is always a chance for new, good, and creative ideas, at least in our opinion.

Fitness app

silver aluminum case apple watch with red sport band

A lot of people want to stay healthy and fit, but they don't, maybe because they don't have time to go to the gym, or they prefer training in their own homes.

In both cases, a fitness app can be a great solution, and if you offer reliable and useful training programs in your app, that can increase your app's chances of being one of the winning apps in the next decade.

Memes and GIF-making apps

white and orange cat on brown textile

Any funny image we see today can become a meme or GIF tomorrow. Memes are widely used in social media, with many Facebook users, for example, using memes in a very powerful way in their content publishing.

In this day and age, short videos and memes are becoming much more viral, and you can take advantage of that in your development journey.

Just remember one important thing when you try to make this app: always focus on what people really need and don't yet get from other competitive apps.


person sitting while using laptop computer and green stethoscope near

This type of app became more in demand after COVID-19, but the idea here is that it's not an app that anyone can make or develop.

Healthcare is something related to people's lives, so if you're a developer from an IT background, you might need to think about another idea or get help from a doctor.

Music streaming app

black and red digital device

People listen to music while they are studying, cooking, or even sleeping, so making a web-streaming music app will be a good idea.

Especially if you include some good features like customizable playlists and giving users the ability to make their playlists.

Don't forget to make it have a variety of music types available on it, and a recommended section or list can be a good idea.


What is the future of web app?

We are in the AI era, so web developers will use AI chatbots to increase engagement with customers, and they can be used to give real-time design recommendations.

Will AI replace web developers?

AI is still improving, but it's not expected to fully replace web developers, because there are things irreplaceable that web developers bring to the table, like emotional intelligence and other aspects.

What will Web 5.0 be?

The next version of the internet, known as Web 5.0, is based on artificial intelligence, decentralization, and self-sovereignty.


It's a vision of the internet where individuals own more authority over their identity and data, and artificial intelligence powers more immersive and personalized experiences.

This is the end of our article. We hope you found some inspiration from it. Always remember to keep your focus on the user and their needs, not on your competitors.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below

DastN GmbH - Software, Ali Barakat 17 februari 2024
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