5 Tips for an Interview: Mastering Your Next Job Opportunity

We all aspire to secure a decent job in the industry that we are passionate about and have studied for, yet many don’t achieve this dream. There are numerous reasons why this happens. In this article, we will delve into some tactics and Tips for an Interview that can significantly assist you, saving both time and effort.

5 Tips for an Interview to Make Your Experience Easier

a man and a woman sitting at a table

You have the ability

If you made it to the interview stage, you almost certainly possess the right skill set, because the company will not send an interview chance to you just because you cold-emailed them, there is an important reason as well as your interest in work in the company and that is your skills and experience that are set out in your resume.

So, don’t think too much about if you have the right skill set or not, as long as you get the interview chance, you should start focus on the interview itself, and prepare very well for it.

The Importance of Preparation

MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table

Research on mastering job interviews has revealed a significant positive correlation between the amount of time spent preparing for an interview and the success rate. 

The findings suggest that individuals who dedicate eight to ten hours to interview preparation have a success rate that is 40% higher than those who spend less than three hours. Furthermore, investing more than 30 hours in preparation can increase the success rate to 60%. 

Interestingly, the study found that over 95% of the job seekers surveyed spend less than three hours preparing for an interview. 

The research team identified the most common reason for this lack of preparation: a mistaken belief that they are already fully prepared.

The Best Way to Prepare for an Interview

Regardless of whether the person interviewing you is the hiring manager, a HR representative, or someone else, they all share the same objective. From the moment they first see you, they will be trying to answer three key questions:

  • Do you possess the skills required to excel in the job? 
  • Do you have the right mindset to perform well in the job?
  • Will you be a good fit for the organization? 

While this may seem straightforward, distilling the entire interview process down to these three questions is crucial for your preparation.

All your preparation efforts should revolve around these three questions. During the interview, your responses should clearly demonstrate that you:

  • have the SKILLS needed to EXCEL in the job, 
  • have the DRIVE to PERFORM WELL in the job, and


Close-up photography of a person wearing a black coat, conducting a job interview. He is sharing his experiences in the form of a story.

Let’s delve into the science of storytelling and its impact on our brains, understand why it’s so captivating to us, including interviewers, and explore how you can utilize storytelling in your interviews. 

We, as humans, are inherently drawn to stories. When we listen to a story that strikes a chord with us, our oxytocin levels rise. This hormone enhances feelings such as trust, empathy, and compassion. This is why stories have a unique power to forge connections.

Research conducted at Harvard University discovered that when a person listens to a compelling story, their brain activity aligns with that of the storyteller. In essence, when an interviewer listens to a well-crafted story, their brain responds as though they were living the experience themselves, fostering a sense of unity and emotional connection. Harnessing this understanding for your interview can provide you with a significant competitive edge. 

Framing your responses as brief narratives offers two advantages. Firstly, it fosters a connection between you and the interviewer. Secondly, it makes your responses more memorable to the interviewer, allowing you to control what information remains with them after the interview.

Focus on the First Minute

Making a strong first impression is often emphasized as crucial in an interview. This is a common sentiment we hear from candidates. When asked why they believe it’s so important and how they ensure they make a good first impression, the responses are typically limited to dressing appropriately or always being on time.

However, when probed further, many are unable to elaborate, indicating a lack of awareness about the true significance of first impressions. Psychologists worldwide have conducted extensive research on this subject, leading to some enlightening discoveries.

Ignoring these findings would be a grave oversight. Instead, invest some time to understand how you can use your first impression to your advantage.

Dress Nice

One of the most frequently given, yet vague pieces of advice is to dress appropriately for an interview. But what does this entail? Essentially, your choice of attire should be based on (i) what you anticipate the interviewer expects you to wear, (ii) how the outfit makes you feel, and (iii) the message you wish to convey. 

If you feel good in what you’re wearing, it will enhance your confidence and ease during the interview. Aim to dress as if you already have the job, or even better. It’s advisable to do a quick head-to-toe check in the mirror just before the interview begins.

If you’re unsure about which colors to choose, consider options like blue, gray, or white. Psychological studies suggest these colors are ideal for job interview outfits. Blue projects assurance, while white and gray indicate that you’re organized and logical.

This concludes our article on Tips for an Interview. We hope you found it informative, useful, and interesting. We will continue to write more insightful articles about interviews in this section of our website, so make sure to visit from time to time.

5 Tips for an Interview: Mastering Your Next Job Opportunity
DastN GmbH, Administration February 12, 2024
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