9 common interview questions and how to answer them

No matter how much experience you have in your career or how much information you know, doing an interview can be stressful and cause some fear for anyone.

 Did you know that you can answer almost any question you face in the interview by preparing very well for the interview? Knowing information about the company you are going to interview for, you should also make sure you have a good idea about their competitors besides having a good understanding of the company's products or services and how to improve them. In this article, we will take you through 9 common interview questions, and not only that, but also we will tell you how to answer them.


Common interview questions and how to answer them


Most interviewers start the interview with small talk, and then some general questions. These questions help the interviewer know more about your career and your history, along with your motivation. So, stay confident by answering with relevant responses. At the same time, show them how you handle stress.

We will talk about 10 common questions for the interview, so let's get into it.

Can you tell me a little bit about yourself ?

two women taking to each other while holding pens

Keep in mind that the interviewer meets with a lot of people, so they may or may not remember the key points of your resume. Therefore, they ask this question as a first step of the interview and to make an initial impression about you.

Use this question to your advantage and let them know that you are a close fit for the role. Keep your answer short, around 1 or 2 minutes.

In your answer, focus on these four points:

  1. Your present position and degree of experience: "I have seven years of experience in business development and IT consulting as a Technical Sales Specialist."
  2. Relevant prior positions and achievements: "I started my career at ProTech as a multilingual help desk agent, where I provided support to 2,000 employees. During my time there, I maintained a resolution rate of 92%. After that, I worked as a Support Coordinator at Excel Communications until being promoted to my current position."
  3. Emphasize details that are specifically pertinent to their needs: "I currently support 20 major accounts. I've assisted my clients in growing their revenue by an average of forty percent."
  4. Correlation to the available opportunity: "I was excited to see how much your job description reflected my experience when I read it. I'm eager to learn more!"

also read: 5 Tips for an Interview: Mastering Your Next Job Opportunity 

What’s your biggest weakness?

two women sitting on leather chairs in front of table

Few people enjoy talking about their weaknesses, particularly when they're attempting to emphasize their strengths. 

This is a question that interviewers use to evaluate your level of self-awareness regarding any areas for improvement and your efforts to do so. 

If your response is something generic like "I work too hard" (without providing an example) or you are unable to identify even one weakness, you will quickly lose their attention.

When responding to a "negative" question, it is important to be positive. Pay attention to a weakness (also known as a development area) that accentuates a strength. 

Find a "simple fix" that demonstrates your dedication to personal growth without affecting your ability to perform the job. While being truthful, don't minimize your worth.

For example:

  • strong emphasis on risk assessment
  • An obsession with perfection
  • Weak knowledge of a less important skill

  1. Address the weakness: ("I tend to take on too many responsibilities because I love my work(".
  2. Give your reasoning for believing that it is a weakness: ("I'll always get everything done, even if that means working overtime").
  3. Give an example: "For instance, I offered to cover for a colleague absent due to illness for a week. To make sure everything was finished on schedule, I worked late into the night and the manager was incredibly delighted".

What makes you the best person for this job?

woman in white long sleeve shirt sitting on red couch

What are they looking for concerning expertise, abilities, culture fit, and effect? They are hoping to hear that. Therefore, read the job description in its entirety before the interview. This covers any necessary and preferred background or abilities. Determine what they need:

  • Accountabilities (e.g., "You will oversee 20 major accounts in addition to three direct reports").
  • Goals: "The chosen individual will plan and direct the development of our advertising company, including our intended foray into virtual reality and augmented reality marketing."
  • Character traits and disposition (e.g. driven, ambitious)

Now, investigate further online to learn more about their:

  • Company culture 
  • Goods and services
  • Past members of the position
  • Competitors

Next, consider what precisely drew you to this position. Is it, for instance, the chance to conduct business development in a new area? Do you like their products?

Respond to the above by outlining five or six important points. In what ways do your experience and skills closely match their needs? Utilize these to organize your response.

Your response should demonstrate to the interviewer why you'd be a fantastic fit. In addition, to demonstrate that you know exactly what they're searching for and how you'll leave a lasting impression. Your answer should best touch upon the 5-6 key points you prepared above.

Do you find any aspects of your current work unrelaxing?

man in blue and white plaid dress shirt using macbook pro

Consider something that could be viewed as a "positive negative" rather than whining about your coworkers or those never-ending meetings. For instance, it's possible that your present employer does not offer any chances for job advancement. Rather than being negative about it (“I’ve applied for plenty of inside chances to do something different, but my company won’t hire someone else to do my job.”) Exuberance and drive are desirable qualities. A favorable answer indicates that, if appropriately pushed and motivated, you'll stick around for the long run (= retention).

For this kind of question, you don't have to provide a lot of information. Concentrate on one particular area that you want to grow or enhance. Next, make a clear connection between it and the advantages that this position will provide.

What do you expect to be this role's primary challenge?

two women looking at person across the table

To determine whether you have read and comprehended the job description, list two or three challenges or pain points. Then, use your experience and skills to explain how you would address these. This will make it easier for you to persuade the interviewer that you will be able to hit the ground running once hired.

What attributes mark a great leader?

man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers

This question allows the interviewer to learn more about your leadership style and how it fits with their goals. Recall the attributes of successful leaders you have encountered in the past. Make use of these as templates for your own reply. Naturally, you should answer honestly, but you should also learn more about their culture (which you can do by visiting their website, following them on social media, checking Glassdoor, etc.) and reading the job description to get an idea of what they're looking for.

What would your ex-coworkers say about you?

woman in gray sweater using silver macbook

A close cultural match is what the interviewer is searching for. Therefore, emphasize the facets of your character and attributes that (truthfully) match what they're seeking. For instance, being persistent, convincing, and people-oriented will be beneficial in a sales career.

Who are our competitors?

person using MacBook Pro

to confirm that you have studied the market, industry, and company. Look into competitors' annual turnover, goods and services, accomplishments and setbacks, workforce size, strategy plan, and social media presence. You may prove that you truly are interested in the firm and the role by demonstrating that you have done your research and providing measurable evidence to support it.

How do you keep learning and growing as a professional?

MacBook Pro near white open book

Employers will always be drawn to those who are curious to learn new skills. It demonstrates an open mind, adaptability to new situations, and readiness to try various strategies. Think about your short-, medium-, and long-term learning and development objectives as you answer this question.


What are the 10 common interview questions?

In our opinion, these are the 10 common interview questions:

  • Can you tell me a little about yourself?
  • What’s your biggest weakness?
  • What makes you want to quit your current position at the moment?
  • What makes you the best person for this job?
  • Do you find any aspects of your current work unrelaxing?
  • What do you expect to be this role's primary challenges?
  • What attributes mark a great leader?
  • What would your ex-coworkers say about you?
  • Who are our competitors?
  • How do you keep learning and growing as a professional?

Why should I hire you?

Your response should demonstrate to the interviewer why you'd be a fantastic fit. In addition, to demonstrate that you know exactly what they're searching for and how you'll leave a lasting impression. Your answer should best touch upon the 5-6 key points you prepared above.

This is the end of our article. We hope you found this helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section below.

9 common interview questions and how to answer them
DastN GmbH, Administration February 22, 2024
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